Community notes and presentations

PDK Watch Group Presentation: Norma Heard and Mickey Fetus gave an overview and status report of the citizens “PDK Watch Group” effort to increase awareness of the county’s agenda with PDK and violations of the 1988 lawsuit ruling. They handed out material in support of their findings and appealed for donations to support their cause.

Judge Denise Majette, Democratic candidate for 4th District U. S. Congress: Did not show.

Tree planting - Margot Cole: The homeowners of Dunwoody Commons on Ashford Center Parkway have formed a “Tree Planting Foundation”, with Margot as chairperson, to enhance the median of the parkway on the end nearest to Chamblee-Dunwoody Road. The project is looking to plant 2-inch Pin Oak trees that are 10 to 14 feet high, 20 feet apart at a cost of approximately $10,000. They have approached Jolly Development for support and are asking the DHA for support.

Action: Jerry Ling made a motion that DHA support the project. It was seconded by Bill Grossman and passed unanimously.

Barbara Brunner Pereira, Republican candidate for 4th District U> S. Congress: Passed out campaign literature and spoke to her qualifications for the position.

Tom Stubbs on behalf of Bob Wilson, Democratic candidate for 41st Georgia State Senate (Bart Ladd’s old District): Bob Wilson, former DeKalb District Attorney, is a candidate for this position and will be present at our August board meeting.

Barry Kanne on Low Power AM DHA Radio Station: Barry gave a Power Point presentation on the feasibility of a DHA, Low Power Radio Station for Dunwoody to post notices of various information. Of particular interest would be the posting of garage sales, etc. to eliminate unsightly yard signs. Initial cost would be approximately $20,000 for a base transmitter with a range of 3 to 5 miles. Another transmitter would be approximately $8,000 to increase coverage for all of Dunwoody. Road signs to publicize the station would be approximately $1,000 each. Additional information is available on the suppliers website at

2. Zoning Issue Presentations

Jett Ferry Gas Station: Bill Grossman reported that the Chevron Station at Jett Ferry and Dunwoody Club is seeking a variance to add a car wash. It will be reviewed at DeKalb County meeting on July 18th at 10:30 a.m. Discussion did not result in any big questions. The owner has committed to maintaining his normal hours of operation from 6 a.m. to midnight. This was received as a positive.

North Atlanta Church: Church finalizing application for variances in meet with earlier wishes.

Signage Variance at Dunwoody Hall: Washington Mutual hearing deferred 30 days.

Bill Grant Development: Bill thinks committee of Boyer, Grant, Grossman and spokesman for residents will work to finalize agreement.

Davis Academy: On July 7th, Fulton County issued 30-day deferral as Davis is coming up with intersection plan and may be granted another deferral with a reasonable plan.

3. Questions & Answers - none

4. Signage Ken Wright, Report filed as follows:

Womack sign is history (Large “possible O&I” for sale sign).

1st signage committee meeting held Tuesday, July 2nd with following action items:
Jerry Ling to get cost for database, postage, etc. for an initial mailer to businesses regarding the overlay district. Estimated cost $200 to $400.

High Cotton just put up yet another banner hanging up under their sign “Open for Lunch”. This is illegal under DeKalb County law.

Moes in Dunwoody Hall has a big red truck with a sign on the back parked in the front lot (advertising). This is also specifically prohibited by DeKalb County law.

JuVian Cleaners in Village has their tacky giant green truck and their tacky green Volkswagen bug parked right in front lot of the village. Not even close to where their business is.

5. thru 7. Membership, Perimeter CID and Overlay District - No reports.

8. Support the local merchants, Gary Meyer Membership committee has had meeting and is working on coupon booklet for distribution.

9. Brook Run - Update - Nick DeKalb County has signed contract with EDAW, Inc. and meeting with major state holders in project will be on July 29 at 7:00 p.m. in Brook Run auditorium to review presentation by EDAW and to give input.

10. Fourth of July Parade - Bill Robinson Nick presented the Parade update in Bill’s absence. The Parade was biggest ever with 133 units participating. Dick William’s estimates total crowd between 17 and 20,000 people. Starting review and planning for 2003.

11. Other Business

Jerry Ling made a suggestion to have Quarterly meetings with membership and a Quarterly mailing to members.

Dunwoody North Subdivision is having a Public Form with candidates for election on July 30th at their clubhouse at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
